Irwin Chusid joined WFMU’s air staff on Feb. 20, 1975. After two early suspensions for insubordination and a brief (1977) stint at WTUL (New Orleans), he has broadcast a weekly free-form show on WFMU ever since, bringing you a self-indulgent mix of genre-surfing tokenism.
Irwin used to co-host The Incorrect Music Hour (1997-2002) with Michelle Boulé. Then Michelle realized she needed to get a real job.
The Old Codger
A cranky, pathetic fool, and a negative radio role model. Listen, learn, avoid.
A cranky, pathetic fool, and a negative radio role model. Listen, learn, avoid.
Irwin’s State of the Station
A 25-Year Retrospective Guest Editorial, LCD #25 (2000)
A 25-Year Retrospective Guest Editorial, LCD #25 (2000)